Saturday, November 18, 2017

Celebrating a Writing Superhero!

#celebratelu this week too, join in over at Ruth's blog

I'm now afforded new amounts of time.  So, I am joyfully writing on a Saturday!

At this blog, I intend to share new learning and leading.  My celebration relates to Ruth and the superhero's response to questions regarding how to reach struggling writers who just don't care.  I'm learning...

Another coach posed the question, "How do we reach students who just don't care?"

I immediately thought of seeking help from Ruth-she's one of my writing Super Heroes!  Cue the trumpets!

I really had no idea that Ruth has just launched her new book, Enticing Hard to Reach Writers.

Thankfully, Ruth quickly responded and offered recommendations from a few of the chapters to help us as we work diligently to reach and teach all writers.

From Chapter 5-think about how behaviors mask needs!  You'll need markers, a jar and masking tape for this one.

From Chapter 1-the importance of understanding how brains work (neuroplasticity-The brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life.)

From pages 79-80 a chart which outlines moves to make with hard to reach writers.  As I perused the list, I zeroed in on ways to simplify conferring (Chapter 18) for students who are having a difficult time talking about their writing or writing process, "Increase students' energy for writing by asking open-ended questions while conferring"  and  "Name strengths students have as writers."  Consideration for this advice assumes writing and conferring happen daily-a must.

I hope you'll consider reading this book...

So I must thank my writing superhero and celebrate her help.
What a Writing Superhero looks like.
By Natalie

I appreciate Ruth's tenacity and capacity to see this work through to publishing in the name of helping so many more teachers of writers and writers themselves to grow through life's challenges and CELEBRATE!

By the way, Ruth didn't ask me do write this, I just knew I had to!


Julie Johnson said...

Hi Amy,
It's so good to reconnect with you! Like you, I love Ruth's book. There is so much to glean from the book. I'm looking forward to sharing with the teachers I work with. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Ramona said...

Amy, so fun to see your name pop up in the Celebrate posts. Ruth's book is such a gift to the world. And you're right, she's a Superhero to so many of us. Good luck as you implement her ideas with students and teachers.

Maria said...

Thank you for sharing your golden nuggets from Ruth's book. I love the Superhero too.

Diane Anderson said...

I think the Superhero is captured so well in the words, but especially in the drawing!!

Terje said...

Ruth is a superhero indeed. I am glad you celebrated. I haven't read her book yet. it is on my TBR pile.

Tara said...

Hooray for our writing superhero! I can't wait to get my book! said...

This book looks amazing. I have it on my list... I can't wait to get a copy !

Unknown said...

Oh Amy, thank you for your kind words. A few years ago, Sam started drawing capes on pencils. I loved the portrait of a writing superhero. Perhaps it's time to get a starry dress! Thanks for joining the celebration.

Unknown said...

Awww, shucks! Everyone, you are so good to me! I'm so glad we have this little tribe.