Sunday, May 22, 2016


Digit Lit Sunday

I felt eager and excited to post when Margaret shared the #digitlit topic on Thursday:

I have been thinking a lot about intent this week as our district will be moving forward with 1:1 device plans within the next two years.  And suddenly, I observed all of these tweets popping about the intentional use of technology...

I celebrate using technology for a greater purpose as we move forward with 1:1.  There is much work to be done and some shifting that needs to take place before we're ready but I know we'll get there.  I look forward to this "intentional" the words of Lao Tzu, "the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

I hope we learn that it's not just about using technology but using it for a greater purpose.


Anonymous said...

Having a purpose, plan or even "intent/intention" for use of 1:1 computers will make it more likely to meet that target. Having specific examples that stretch and grow teachers and students will be VERY helpful!

Good luck in your Journey! <3

Margaret Simon said...

I love what you have posted about using technology with a purpose. The more access with have, the more imperative intentionality is. Thanks for joining the conversation today.